Sedation and anesthesia are designed to enable you to undergo surgery in a more comfortable and relaxed way. In order for us to treat you safely, you must follow some very important guidelines.
Bring an escort with you to the office. It is essential for us to have a friend or family member to communicate with during treatment and to take you safely home. Therefore, an escort must arrive with you prior to treatment and must stay in the reception area during your procedure.
You must not have anything to eat or drink 6 hours prior to your procedure. Mints and chewing gum are also not allowed.
You may take your daily medicines as directed by your doctor as scheduled with a small sip of water.
No driving for 24 hours following surgery; therefore, arrangements should be made for you and your family’s transportation during this time.
In addition:
Monday – Thursday:
8am – 5pm
Monday – Thursday:
7am - 4pm
Tuesday – Friday:
7am - 4pm
Monday – Thursday:
8am – 5pm