How Long Do Dentures Last? | Unveiling the Secrets

How long do dentures last? If you’re experiencing discomfort with your dentures (also known as false teeth), feeling a gag reflex, or noticing them becoming loose, you’re not alone. These issues are common and can often be resolved with proper care or if needed, a replacement.

It’s essential to understand that dentures are not meant to last forever. Over time, they may wear down or become ill-fitting, leading to discomfort or other problems. However, before assuming the need for a replacement, it’s wise to consult your dentist. Sometimes, a simple denture repair can address the issue and restore comfort.

While discomfort with dentures may not always indicate a major problem, it’s crucial to address it promptly. Contact the dentists at Amores Dental to schedule an appointment as soon as possible. They can assess the situation, provide necessary repairs, or discuss options for replacement if needed.

Signs That You Need to Replace Your Dentures

Here are some signs that your dentures might need to be replaced:

Here are some signs that your dentures might need to be replaced:

  • Loose or Ill-Fitting: Well-fitting dentures stay put naturally. If yours feels loose, slips, or even falls out, it’s time to visit your dentist. They may need adjustments or a complete replacement. Denture adhesive can be temporary, but a dentist can provide a long-term solution.
  • Speech Difficulties: Loose dentures can affect your speech. You might slur your words or sound “mushy.” Getting them adjusted or replaced can help you speak again.
  • Discomfort or Gum Issues: Proper dentures shouldn’t cause pain or discomfort. If you experience pain while chewing or biting or notice sores or changes in your gum health, see your dentist immediately. They might need to refit or replace your dentures.
  • Damage or Discoloration: Cracks, chips, loose teeth, or significant discoloration are all signs your dentures need replacing. While proper care can help prevent discoloration, some staining might occur over time, especially with certain drinks.

How Long Do Dentures Last?

The truth is, there’s no permanent fix for your dental issues. Just as you’ll have to replace that sofa with another one, dentures will eventually need to be replaced after a maximum of 10-15 years if you take good care of them.

How Long Do Various Types of Dentures Last?

We tend to imagine our mouth as this constant entity that always stays the same when, like most things in life, it’s always changing: your gums may shrink, and your jawbone may also change shape.

How Long Do Partial Dentures and Full Dentures Last?

According to statistics, full dentures last between 5 and 10 years, while partials have a maximum longevity of 15 years. During this time frame, your mouth and dentures can undergo major changes, resulting in an improper fit and unappealing appearance.

How Long Do Immediate Dentures Last?

There’s also a third category of dentures called immediate or temporary dentures, whose lifespan can be measured in months. Immediate dentures are prosthetic devices that fit in by your dentist right after removing your natural teeth and are used until your permanent dentures are ready for about two to three months.

How Do I Increase the Lifespan of Dentures?

Like natural teeth, dentures require daily cleaning to maintain freshness and freedom from plaque, bacteria, and food debris. Here’s a guide to caring for your dentures and ensuring their longevity:

  • Gentle Cleansing: Brushing is essential! Use a soft-bristled denture brush and a non-abrasive cleanser to prevent surface scratches. Focus on the underside, which interfaces with your gums, to eradicate plaque and deter staining.
  • Special Tools for Special Smiles: Consider employing a denture brush specifically designed to access all the intricate areas of your dentures.
  • Soak and Clean: Following brushing, immerse your dentures in a cleaning solution overnight. This step eliminates any residual plaque or bacteria, which could lead to halitosis, and maintains a refreshing feel. Adhere closely to the solution’s guidelines and thoroughly rinse before reinserting.
  • Nighttime Care: Typically, it’s advisable to remove your dentures at night and soak them, affording your gums a period of rest. However, always adhere to your dentist’s directives. Before reapplication, rinse and brush your dentures anew.
  • Temperature Considerations: Steer clear of hot or boiling water, as it may distort the shape of the dentures. Opt for warm water when cleaning and soaking.
  • Preventing Accidental Drops: Mishaps are inevitable! Clean your dentures over a folded towel or a basin of water to cushion their fall if they slip from your grasp.


In summary, the lifespan of dentures varies depending on the type and care. Generally, both partial and complete dentures can last up to 10 to 15 years. If you’d like to learn more about dentures, schedule an appointment and consult with the dentists of Ammons Dental in James Island today!


Can dentures last 30 years?

On average, dentures last around seven years. With proper care, they can last up to 10 years or even longer. However, poorly made dentures, those not cared for properly, or ones with defects might only last five years. In very rare cases, dentures can exceptionally last over 30 years.

What do they don’t tell you about dentures?

While upper dentures can use suction to create a secure fit, lower dentures are more prone to slipping. They rely on resting comfortably on the gums and may require help from your tongue or adhesive to stay put during speaking and chewing.

What lasts longer, dentures or implants?

Dental implants are built to be a long-term solution, potentially lasting a lifetime with good care. Dentures, on the other hand, typically require replacement every 10-20 years. Traditional dentures may need even more frequent replacements due to changes in your jawbone.

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