Donna Blackmon
New Patient Treatment Coordinator
Which office are you located in?
In what capacity/designation do you serve patients?
New Patient Treatment Coordinator
How long have you been serving patients at the dental practice?
10+ Years
What time can patients generally find you at the dental practice?
8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.
On what days can patients find you at the dental practice?
Wednesday, Thursday
What is the one thing that you enjoy most about helping patients?
I enjoy helping patients overcome obstacles that have prevented them from achieving the beautiful smile that they deserve!
Let's talk interests and passions. What do you enjoy doing when not working?
I enjoy working in my garden, entertaining friends and boating with my family.
Where did you grow up? Share some memories about your years growing up.
I am a Native of SC and grew up here in the lowcountry. I went to Hanahan High school and have remained friends with many of my classmates and childhood friends to this day.